Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend Recap

Friday morning I had my Weight Watchers meeting. I had to take both kids with me. The kids were well-behaved, so I'd say it was a success. :-) I have been dealing with some medical issues for the past few weeks, so WW had kind of been put to the back burner. Two weeks ago I had gained 2.6 lbs and then I skipped last weeks meeting. But, I went this week and lost 1.4, so I am just about back on track. :-)

Saturday was a busy day! D and I had a party to go to in the afternoon. We went to my friend's house. She has a son who is just a little bit younger than D. He was flirting with her and she was trying to attack him! We'll have to work on how not to come on too strong! :-) D was up cruising around and she even moved from a line of folding chairs and then reached across a gap to my leg. I think this little girl will be walking before I know it! Then we joined the boys to watch the Husker game with some other friends. Whew, that was a nail-biter! Jameson was having a good time playing with boys his age. He found a bunch of Cars toys and was in heaven! After the game, we went to the Rose Theater to see Go, Dog, Go. We met Nichole, Hannah, and Justice at the play. Jameson really got into it. He was yelling at the characters (along with all of the other kids - it was appropriate) and at one point he was dancing to the music! It was a busy day!!

Sunday morning, J and I got haircuts from my talented cousin, Jenny (thanks again!!!). No more mullet for Jameson! :-) Then, with our fresh haircuts, we went to Lincoln to visit Russell's family. Jameson was so excited to show his new Cars toy (thanks to our awesome neighbor Thomas) to Gigi. He had a lot of fun playing with Russell's cousins Michael and Katie. They played catch with him forever! Jameson also helped Gigi and Katie make dinner.

This morning we had breakfast with Nana Sandy and Papa Bruce. They wanted to see the kids before they went on their trip to London. Jameson scarfed down his pancakes, along with some of Nana and Papa's breakfasts and Delilah ordered a GIANT bowl of applesauce. She made a pretty good dent in it too! :-)

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