Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mommy Daughter Date!

Every year the preschool hosts a Daddy & Me night.  So yesterday, Jameson and Daddy left for their guy time and ate pizza and played in the gym at school.  This left Delilah and I to fend for ourselves for dinner.  We jumped on the opportunity to have a Mommy and Daughter date!  I asked Delilah what she wanted for dinner and she decided on peanut butter and jelly.  Well, who am I to question that?  So, it we decided to head to Panera (with Ephraim in tow, but he slept the whole time). 

We get our shoes and jackets on and get ready to go.  Delilah asks me what car the guys took and I told her that they took the Escape.  She responds with “Oh okay, then we will have to take my van.”  Huh, guess I didn’t realize the van was hers…  Haha!  So we load up and head out. 

It is so fun to see Delilah by herself.  She is absolutely infatuated with her older brother and feeds off of him – unless she’s straight up imitating him!  When it’s just here, you can see her individual personality shine through.  She is such a funny little person!!  So, as we enjoy our Panera dinner – followed by the all-important pumpkin cookie – I got a chance to enjoy my spunky little girl!!

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