Monday, September 6, 2010

Circle Party 2010

So our annual circle party has come and gone. This year the theme was "Cinco do Circle." I know it doesn't EXACTLY make sense, but 5 was a big theme this year. There are 5 houses on the circle, it was our 5th circle party, and it was held on September 5th. Russell made a banner this year. He wanted to hang it from the street light, so that everyone who saw it knew what they were missing. I envisioned disaster when he told me he was going to free-hand it, but I was impressed that it turned out pretty nice! I designed T-shirts for the ladies and the kids and Russell helped me iron them on. And, well, to give you an idea of what THAT process was like...He said next year we will just have them printed. :-) But, I think they turned out pretty cute...especially for the price!

Like every year, the neighbors rented a bounce house. As usual, it was a big hit. It was fun to see the little kids in it. What a difference 6 months makes! At Jameson's birthday party, these kids weren't so sure what to do in the bounce house. But now, 6 months later, they were having the time of their lives! :-) Guess we'll be going back to Jumpin' Jax again next year!!!
We ate lots of yummy food, had a few drinks, and of course there was the firepit! This was the first circle party that I wasn't either pregnant or working, so I celebrated! :-) We played spoons, which is a circle favorite. I call it a success that we did not break a table! And we made it to breakfast, which was Russell's goal. We had a delicious meal of eggs and toast. After that, everyone was ready for bed!
Overall it was a good night and a nice way to bid farewell to summer. Unfortunately, no one told the kids that we wanted to sleep in this morning. So, we were up pretty early. The good news is we are both off today, so we have a day to lounge before it's back to work!

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