Monday, September 27, 2010

Jameson - 2.5 years

I know a lot of the blog is focused on Delilah. It is so fun to chronicle all of her milestones month to month. I wish I had thought to start this blog when Jameson was a baby! So, as my little man turns 2.5 today, I think it is only fair to have a post dedicated to only him. :-)

Jameson is developing by leaps and bounds these days. It is so fun to hear him put together a few ideas. In the past, we were just thrilled to hear him say the word "shoes." But now he will say "shoes on" or "shoes off." He tells me when things are up or down. His newest obsession is the movie Cars. Lately, he's been telling me about the red car or the blue car. This morning he told me several times "Mommy up, Daddy nigh-nigh." Oh and the other day he crawled in my lap and said "I wuv you, Mom." Aww, that's the best!

Jameson is turning into quite the comedian. He loves to put on a show for an audience. He now has a dance he does when he eats that I think is hilarious!! He will sing for us. He likes to make faces. He can get D to laugh like no one else. He loves to be tickled, even though it usually ends with "Shop [stop] Mommy" or "Shop Daddy."

Jameson is quickly becoming less and less a toddler, and more a little boy. He is so independent! The other day, I learned that if I don't get downstairs fast enough he will get his bowl out of his cupboard, get the cereal out of the pantry, fill the bowl, and put the cereal away - I did pour the milk for him. :-) He is also turning into a little monkey. I learned tonight that he can climb up onto the bathroom counter by himself! He is growing up right before our eyes!!

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