Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jameson 2.5 year appt

Jameson had a doctors appointment on Monday. We got to see Dr. Zimmerman because she is back from her maternity leave!! I'm not sure if this is a normal appointment or to track his talking (or lack there of). We've been working on sentences the last few weeks. Instead of just "wa-wa, please" or "car, please" or whatever he's asking for, I've been working "I want wa-wa, please." And it seems that he's figured it out!

So, back to his appointment. This was the second time that I braved taking both kids on my own. We got there on time, which was a feat in and of itself. Once we checked in, Jameson immediately bypassed the TV and ran over to the books (saying "Book! Book!"), I was so proud! The nursed called us back pretty much right away (which is amazing on a Monday morning!). The nurse weighed and measured him. They now weigh him on the big scale and measure him against the wall. They did this at his 2 year appointment, but it still surprises me that he's such a big boy! He weighed 29.6 lbs and was 35 inches tall.

The nurse took us to the room. She asks some questions and then leaves. Then I start filling out the packet they gave me. I had to ask him to practice a few of the skills. I learned that he can repeat two random numbers out of order (like two, five). I also learned that the next skill we need to work on is fine motor drawing skills. :-) While I'm completing the questionnaire, Jameson is playing around the room. He is opening and closing every drawer. He then decides that he wants to be up on the exam table. So he starts saying "Help me up, please." Yay! So, I included that as an example of a sentence!

So Dr. Zimmerman comes in and starts checking Jameson's eyes, ears, throat, stomach, etc. Everything looks normal. She asks about his last and next appointments for his foot. She commented that there is still some curvature to the foot (I told her that Dr. Sheehan said he will likely always have that) but that he has the range of movement to put it back to normal (which is most important). She then went through and scored the questionnaire. Now, keep in mind that Jameson was below average on the last assessment and she's been threatening to recommend early intervention for probably a year now. She would set a goal and deadline for Jameson and he would just barely meet that goal. So, she went through and said that Jameson is now above average in communication. Did you hear me??? ABOVE AVERAGE!!!!! You have no idea what a relief that was to hear! :-) Really, the only area he was a little low on was the fine motor skills (drawing), but she said that was still in the normal range! Yay!

And, as if that wasn't good enough to hear... Jameson was showing off all of his skills. He counted, said his colors, did some animal noises, and spelled his name. And she said to Jameson "Your mommy is running things like a pre-school." That was quite the stroke to the ego. :-) So, all in all, it was a positive experience. However, I was told that they reformulated one of the immunizations that Jameson had previously received to include 6 new strains, so he will need a booster. But, I scheduled that for the same time as his flu shot, so hopefully that won't be too traumatic.

While we're on the subject of Jameson, there is some big news in our house. On bath night, I generally ask Jameson if he wants to sit on the potty. He usually sits on it, pretends to push something out, hops off and gets in the tub. On Sunday, he sat on the toilet and immediately started peeing. I started cheering so loudly that Russell (who happened to be home) came in to see what the commotion was about. We made a big deal about it and have been talking about it ever since. Well, tonight was bath night again, so of course I asked if he wanted to try to go potty before getting into the bath. And, again, he peed right away!! He was so proud of himself for being like Mommy and Daddy! We're not going to officially try potty training until Russell switches shifts. We think that will be easier because he'll be on a much more regular schedule rather than spending one day here, two days there, one day somewhere else... But, yay Jameson!!!!


  1. Yay Jameson! :)

    Yay for mom and dad too! :)



  2. Its always amazing when our kids grow up before our eyes! Yay Jameson for improving in so many areas!

  3. woohoo J Man! You just show them all! All of our little ones develop in their own time and at their own pace!
