Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Busy Day!

I mentioned previously that Russell's siblings are all headed to college this year. We already had our "last meal" with Aunt Becca. This morning we had breakfast with Nana Sandy, Aunt Rachel, and Uncle Ben because Rachel is leaving today and Ben is leaving tomorrow. We ate some bagels at Bruegger's. Yum!

Then we went back to their house to say our goodbyes.

Then we went to Delilah's 6 month well-baby check up. Dr. Zimmerman, our regular pediatrician, is still on maternity leave, so we had to see another doctor. She will, however, be back next month, in time for Jameson's 2.5 year appt. It should come as no surprise that she's perfect! :-) She is able to do all of the skills that the doctor asked about. The doctor checked her ears and said they looked better, but not back to normal yet - which makes sense since she has only been on medication for a few days.

Her Stats were:
Height: 25 1/4 in (30th percentile) Weight: 15lbs 14oz (50th percentile) Head Circumference: 17 1/2 in (80th percentile)
So, she's following right in her brother's footsteps for being short and having a large head! :-) It's to hold all of her brains, as my mom would say!

Then, Russell and I were back to work after a long weekend off. It was kind of a hectic because OPS is back in session today. At work we follow the OPS calendar, so it's back to my school year hours (2pm-6pm). So, it was pretty crazy at work too. Tyler has agreed to help us watch the kids on Mondays (plus a few extras this week). Jameson was so excited to play with "Han" and "Teh-Teh." He was also talking about seeing "Ty" and " 'Cole." But he fell asleep in the car on the way there and thus did not nap while he did not nap after we got there. So, of course, he fell asleep on the way home. Poor buddy slept right up until bedtime, dozed through his diaper change, and then was right back out when I put him in bed. His cousins must have worn him out!!

With being so busy this morning, afternoon, and then at work, I feel like I really only got to sit down after I got D to bed. Whew, it was a hectic day! :-)

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